Samadhi Restaurant is all about serving real food from Nature.
We don´t use any tinned cans, halv produce, gmo or taste inhancers in our food. The restaurant is also a plastic free business where we for example use fresh papaya as straws, cut straight from the papaya trees in my garden at Gili Trawangan.
In the entrance area of the restaurant building you can also buy legumes, spices, oils, dried fruit and nuts for your home. You can either bring your own container or use our paper bags or glass containers.
The downstairs area is where our open kitchen is and this is where we cook all the food and cakes that are served in Samadhi.
There is a long communion farm table at the center of the space and high bar stool tables in the arched windows for us who like to people and street watch as we enjoy our cup of cacao or freshly squeezed organge juice.
On the walls are art and souveneirs from my travels in europe while visiting friends in Copenhagen, Italy and Amsterdam. I love to buy art because it creates a lasting memory that is kept as a reminder and something visually beautiful on the walls.
Upstairs you find our outdoor terrace juice bar and garden seating area. There is also an indoor area with many coffee tables, arched windows and art.
On our third floor we have a roof top terrace where we have had live music sometimes and some beautiful oysters parties while watching the sunset before the stars and the moon comes out to play.
Samadhi is a blissful place where you can come and enjoy the present moment and just be. With yourself, your family or your friends.
The restaurant used to be called Casa Vintage Living and I changed the name in 2021 to avoid confusion with Casa Vintage Beach which is on the other side of the island and has different owners. However, the menu, concept and owner of Samadhi Restaurant is the same as it was when it was called Casa Vintage Living.
We are open daily!
For reservations or requests: Whatsapp +46762452409
March 10, 2021Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
August 29, 2020AvgyTOnl
August 29, 2020rBFlzbOXeQMEvSU